Tuesday 13 November 2012

Berry is moving again ...

Berry receive many requests if she is still baking since there was no more updates since last year ...lol Apologies to all and thank you all for the concerns... YES Berry is still baking... just that Berry has very little time over the weekends updating the blog with all her new works...

Over the past few months, Berry starts to have insights what can Berry do to bring the overall cake whoring experience to the next level? Perhaps what people wants to see are pictures and simple write-up meaning the more pictures the merrier to give them more ideas what they want for their cakes.

Since Berry is so busy and with so little time, perhaps a short & sweet version kind of blog that comes with pictures, a little story publications and perhaps one day, video tutorials that will sure excites the readers…

So people, we have moved! Here is Berry’s new place residing at  the little black cat cafĂ© https://thelittleblackcatcafe.jux.com/

Pop by folks …show a little paw stain on her new blog now!!!  

Pawing off now ...xOxO